Ovak the Half-Orc Druid

Ovak the Half-Orc Druid

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female | 22 years old (75 average lifespan) | circle of the land - desert | wild shape: coyote (wolf stats) | mother is Orc, father is Human | traveled with mother and band of brigands as a child, looting the small villages and killing those who opposed to strangers stealing their supplies (roaming the country) | when the band traveled near a desert, Ovak's mother cautioned her against the dangers of the desert - Ovak, having sympathized with the scared children, runs away from her mother and the band into the desert | found by wandering druid and indoctrinated into her craft | always feels bloodlust and violence, but yearns to be peaceful and live in harmony | uses druidry as her temper management | believes those she adventures with could become an elite team of warriors with high discipline (like Navy SEAL team, etc) - recognizes they have a long way to go | once she feels like the team is solid, would do anything to protect the team | protective of her druid master | protective of scared children