Month 3 - November

Wink getting his cuddles in where he can, despite the usurper.
His elbow dimples kill me! So cute!
Boy time!
Thanks L family for the hat! <3
Feeling a little cuddly.
Thanks A for the baby hats! :D
Aunt R couldn't resist the tutu. Neither could Theodore. ;)
Great-grandma I's lap is the perfect place to take a nap.
Still toothless. (Thank goodness.)
Chilling in the Rose Garden before our walk with auntie A.
What is this thing?
Soon he'll be too big to sleep on me.
Computer time!
Sleeping Beauties.
Suspicious face.
Thanksgiving cuddles.
Chilling with grandma J.
All the grandparents together for Thanksgiving. <3
Three generations.
He's starting to get wrist fat!
"Mom, why do you always take a picture of my outfit every day?"
Thanks granny K for the fox blanket! :D
Doesn't quite fit the vest anymore, but it's so cute we'll keep it around for a bit.
I swear all Theo did was eat and sleep on me.
Dinner with the extended family. <3